Brazil, the biggest extractivist in South America

Brazil, the biggest extractivist in South America

A good contribution to the debate in Latin America on a post-extractivist economy by Eduardo Gudynas from Montevideo, a leader in this way of thinking Extractivism is the appropriation of huge volumes of natural resources or their intensive exploitation, most of them exported as raw materials to global markets. It seems to have gone unnoticed that by this definition the major extractivist in South America is Brazil. This is not always...

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The right to say no: EU–Canada trade agreement threatens fracking bans

The right to say no: EU–Canada trade agreement threatens fracking bans

As European Union (EU) member states consider the implications of environmentally risky shale gas development (fracking), negotiations are underway for a controversial EU–Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) that would grant investors the right to challenge governments’ decisions to ban and regulate fracking. This briefing by Corporate Europe Observatory, the Council of Canadians and the Transnational Institute...

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‘AMIATA CALLING’: L’Amiata chiama! L’11 maggio una giornata di lotta in difesa della montagna

‘AMIATA CALLING’: L’Amiata chiama! L’11 maggio una giornata di lotta in difesa della montagna

“AMIATA CALLING” l’appello di SOS Geotermia alla mobilitazione nazionale per la difesa del Monte Amiata AMIATA CALLING: GIU’ LE MANI DALLA NOSTRA TERRA! > Contro il saccheggio del territorio in nome del profitto di pochi > Per la valorizzazione delle risorse naturali, culturali e ambientali. Per ridurre le morti da avvelenamento ambientale, le morti sul lavoro, la riduzione del servizio sanitario e degli ospedali e...

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European support for the first network of research and training in political ecology

European support for the first network of research and training in political ecology

A group of eleven organisations, coordinated by the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICTA-UAB), will train 18 researchers in Political Ecology over the next three years, within the framework of the European project ENTITLE. The initiative aims to create an international network of expertise in the field and to build a stable collaboration on Doctoral studies that takes into...

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Kazakhstan: Abusive Response to Oil Worker Strikes

Kazakhstan: Abusive Response to Oil Worker Strikes

Human Rights Watch denounces abusive practices by government and oil companies against workers. Oil companies have been accused of human and labour rights violation. (Almaty) – Repressive laws and abusive practices by the government and some oil companies violate the labor rights of thousands of workers employed in Kazakhstan’s booming petroleum sector, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Violent clashes in western...

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Crude Justice and ecocide in the Niger Delta

Crude Justice and ecocide in the Niger Delta

After the EJOLT mission in Nigeria, Leah Temper of the Autonoma University of Barcelona (UAB) analyses the extracting oil business in the Niger Delta region. From crude injustice to ecocide, a dirty business that permeates our existence Oil permeates our existence. From water bottles, plastics, fuels and paints to fertilizers, fabrics and solvents. Yet despite its ubiquity, the reality of the infrastructure behind oil extraction – the...

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